Acasa BusinessEconomic Facebook: 16 miliarde de dolari obţinute din lansarea pe bursă

Facebook: 16 miliarde de dolari obţinute din lansarea pe bursă

scris de Laurentiu Banches
94 Afisari

Reţeaua de socializare a reuşit să obţină 16 miliarde de dolari prin cel mai mare IPO al unei firme de IT, preţul unei acţiuni fiind situat la 38 de dolari.

Facebook s-a lansat pe bursa

Potrivit datelor Bloomberg, prezentate de, Facebook, a vândut 421,2 milioane de acţiuni, la preţul de 38 de dolari pe unitate. Compania condusă de tânărul fondator Mark Zuckerberg, acum în vârstă de 28 de ani, a stabilit cu această ocazie cea mai mare ofertă publică iniţială (IPO) efectuată vreodată de o companie din sectorul tehnologic.

Facebook a ridicat oferta în această săptămână atât prin creşterea volumului acţiunilor scoase pe piaţă cu 25%, cât şi prin majorarea intervalului de preţ de la 28-35 dolari la 34-38 dolari pe acţiune, deciziii luate de companie datorită entuziasmului investitorilor pentru operaţiune. Cu toate acestea, compania a anunţat într-un raport către Comisia de Valori Mobiliare din SUA, că nu intenţionează să floteze pe bursă noi acţiuni după încheierea ofertei de joi.

3 comentarii

briel 19-05-2012 - 06:51

On the eve of Facebook’s IPO, Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg published the following letter to potential investors:

Dear Potential Investor:

For years, you’ve wasted your time on Facebook. Now here’s your chance to waste your money on it, too.

Tomorrow is Facebook’s IPO, and I know what some of you are thinking. How will Facebook be any different from the dot-com bubble of the early 2000’s?

For one thing, those bad dot-com stocks were all speculation and hype, and weren’t based on real businesses. Facebook, on the other hand, is based on a solid foundation of angry birds and imaginary sheep. (astea sunt niste caractere din desene animate)

Second, Facebook is the most successful social network in the world, enabling millions to share information of no interest with people they barely know.

Third, every time someone clicks on a Facebook ad, Facebook makes money. And while no one has ever done this on purpose, millions have done it by mistake while drunk. We totally stole this idea from iTunes.

Finally, if you invest in Facebook, you’ll be far from alone. As a result of using Facebook for the past few years, over 900 million people in the world have suffered mild to moderate brain damage, impairing their ability to make reasoned judgments. These will be your fellow Facebook investors.

With your help, if all goes as planned tomorrow, Facebook’s IPO will net $100 billion. To put that number in context, it would take JP Morgan four or five trades to lose that much money.

One last thing: what will, I, Mark Zuckerberg, do with the $18 billion I’m expected to earn from Facebook’s IPO? Well, I’m considering buying Greece, but that would still leave me with $18 billion. LOL.

Friend me,


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Ca sa se amuze cat mai multa lume, poate vrea cineva sa o traduca.

ValVerde 19-05-2012 - 07:07

Funny, dar au cam luat-o in falci.

Uite aici una din cele mai amuzante citate aparute de cind lumea isi pierde timpul pe blog-uri. (reimprospateaza ce stii despre Churchill)

Blogging (sau social media):

„Never before have so many people, with so little to say, said so much to so few”

briel 19-05-2012 - 07:31

bingo !

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