Nigel Farage, liderul Partidului Independenţei Regatului Unit (UKIP) din Marea Britanie a declarat joi că are o „problemă uriaşă” cu România.
UKIP a obţinut victoria în urma alegerilor europene, cu scorul de 27.5%, învingând cele trei partide tradiţionale britanice – conservatorii, laburiştii şi liberal-democraţii.
„Nu am probleme cu românii. Am o problemă uriaşă cu România”, a declarat pentru CNBC Farage, care militează ca Marea Britanie să părăsească Uniunea Europeană (UE).
Farage a declarat joi pentru CNBC că „organizaţii criminale cunoscute” din România s-au orientat spre Marea Britanie, după ce autorităţile au fost nevoite să le permită intrarea din cauza reglementărilor UE cu privire la libera circulaţie a persoanelor, bunurilor şi serviciilor.
8 comentarii
Cred ca ma-sa era unguroaica. Baga-mi-as !
Nigel Farage e atat de tampit, ca e chiar si mai tampit decat el insusi.
Adica e aproape la fel de tampit ca Huhu ??!!
Greu de crezut !!!
ce bine ia-r sta cu o cravata de dinamita la grumazul lui de degenerat !
First, immigration in Europe is, objectively, a real and very serious problem. Denying that makes no sense at all. Second, this problem has been created by the capitalist classes who saw in it a way to not only get cheap labor, but also to break the resistance of the European workers and to deconstruct the social state. In other words, from the point of view of the worker in France or German the immigrants and his capitalist bosses are very much part of the same threat to his lifestyle. Add to this toxic brew the Euro-bureaucrats who took it all one big step further and opened the EU to the huge and poor people of Central Europe. For the German or French worker what used to be a problem of Arabs and Africans has now turned into a problem of Poles and Romanians, especially Gypsies. In fact, a lot of the French Arabs from northern Africa now vote with the FN against immigration because they now see their very hard earned benefits melt away under the influx of Romanian and Moldovan immigrants. Likewise, it used to be that Islam was seen as a threat, now it is Muslims who are on the front lines of the fight against thefts and muggings which take place in London or Paris.
So, yes, the first-step of the rejection of the system often goes through an anti-immigrant phase. And some remain stuck there. But the next step is a realization that immigrants and local workers are both equally the victims of the capitalists. This is what Alain Soral’s movement Equality and Reconciliation stands for. This movement is probably 40% Arab or African by now and yet while E&R does not make the political endorsement of any one party, Alain Soral (himself both ex-Communist and ex-National Front) clearly states that the FN is the only non-system party in France. And since E&R is clearly pro-Muslim I think that it is likely that most anti-Muslim voters of the FN could easily turn their position to a pro-Islamic one if they are explained what really happened to Europe and how both local workers and immigrant Muslims have been used and artificially pitied against each other by the plutocrats.
Dobitocul asta de farage, se face ca nu stie ca in Anglia sunt cele mai multe moschei din Europa…peste 1700!!!…
Iar acest STINKY OYSTER are ce are cu Românii…
(In Franta sunt peste 1600 de moschei)…
Este clar ca-i un narod, un timpit cum rar se vede.
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