Acasa Top SecretArmata Forțele Aeriene Române participă la THRACIAN STAR 2014

Forțele Aeriene Române participă la THRACIAN STAR 2014

scris de S. P.
311 Afisari

Forțele Aeriene Române participă cu mai multe aeronave, în perioada 25 mai-4 iunie, la exercițiul multinațional THRACIAN STAR 2014, în Bulgaria.

Forțele Aeriene Române, la exercițiul multinațional THRACIAN STAR 2014

Forțele Aeriene Române, la exercițiul multinațional THRACIAN STAR 2014 (foto:

Exercițiul este organizat în comun de România, Bulgaria, Grecia și SUA, având ca obiectiv principal ridicarea nivelului de pregătire prin instruire într-un mediu multinațional, dezvoltarea cooperării și îmbunătățirea interoperabilității dintre armatele unor țări membre NATO.

„Prin obiectivele propuse, acest exercițiu permite exersarea tehnicilor, tacticilor și procedurilor NATO, precum și participarea activă la procesul de pregătire și executare a misiunilor aeriene în comun cu partenerii americani, bulgari și eleni””, se arată în comunicatul Ministerului Apărării Naționale remis marți AGERPRES.

Potrivit sursei citate, exercițiul a fost planificat cu un an înainte de execuție și este inclus în Planul cu principalele activități al Statului Major al Forțelor Aeriene.

3 comentarii

Tache 29-05-2014 - 09:20

GENEVA – Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin usually wears a perfect poker face. But last week in Shangahi, the icy-cold Russian president came awfully close to bursting into a big grin.

And why not? Putin had just stolen a march on his western rivals. The US-British attempt to wound Russia’s economy and punish Putin for disobedience had just blown up in their red faces.


One must suspect that the recent fracas in Ukraine was the last straw that pushed China to make a strategic alignment with Russia. Until now, the two great powers had quietly cooperated, not always without problems.


Russia has thus given its economy a big boost and made western sanctions look inconsequential. Chinese funds will allow cash-strapped Russia to modernize its oil and gas industry. The new gas pipelines will be a major economic boost for Russia’s distressed eastern regions and Siberia.

If the gas deal works and prospers, it will serve as a template for heightened Sino-Russian cooperation in military projects, such as fifth generation fighter aircraft, missile systems, naval forces and advanced electronics.


When I was invited in 1980 by Chinese military intelligence to “exchange views” in Beijing, I cheekily asked how long it would take for the Chinese Army to take Vladivostok. After a long, uncomfortable silence, a general spat out, “one week.”


Today, China’s growing energy imports are very vulnerable to interdiction. The US and lately India have the capability to block inbound Chinese oil tankers and maritime cargo exports, either of which would shut down China’s major industries.

Key choke points would be the inner and outer island chains of the South and North China Seas, and the narrow Malacca Strait. India’s new aircraft carriers and submarines are being specifically built to interdict China’s oil imports.


Most important, the Sino-Russian energy deal may further alter the world’s balance of power to the East. Russia and China working in tandem could offset the great power and wealth of the US and its rich allies. It is a major geopolitical event.

Tache 29-05-2014 - 09:24

Margolis was born in New York City in 1943 to Henry M. Margolis and Nexhmie Zaimi, an American-Albanian. His father was a New York businessman, restaurant owner, theatrical producer and investor, while his mother was a journalist and author.[5] Eric Margolis holds degrees from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and New York University MBA Program.

Tache 29-05-2014 - 09:29

The 2014 Bilderberg conference will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from Thursday 29th May to 1st June 2014.
About 140 participants from some 22 countries have already confirmed their attendance. These include key and up and coming figures from industry, finance, academia, the military and the media.
In addition a number of prominent political leaders will also gather at the Marriot Hotel in Copenhagen, the venue for this year’s meeting.

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